Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fun Characters - Plus an Excerpt

So upon writing the beginning of my Novel I have created a few moments where my life and experiences in life have come to my aid. The most recent, and most humorous I was intending not to share but to be a surprise to a handful of friends who would specifically know the reference. To others it would just be a curious character in a series of interesting characters that the reader would come across.

It was in the creation of this character that I worked on his speaking tone, much after I had already slightly described him. It wasn’t until I was working on the dialogue that I realized the character reminded me a bit of someone. So I took that extra step to make sure that anyone who knows the point of origin will surely have a moment to “Facepalm.” And give you all a little glimpse at what I am working on here is the first go through on the characters introduction. Remember emphasis on – “first draft” but enjoy the little piece, I believe this is from the third chapter.

The Warden immediately stood at attention to the Commodore and saluted him then they shook hands being sure to be still military in fashion gripped the wrists of each other instead of the hands.

The Warden was a short stout fellow with broad shoulders and a round stomach that while large didn’t seem to hinder his mobility in the slightest. The Commodore chuckled and looked a the Warden. “Inigoi, what the hell are you doing to yourself, every time I see you I swear you gain ten pounds, are you trying to become a Sky Dwarf?”

“Well, ‘dis places was built by em’ so why the hell not aye? All I have to do now is be able to live in de uppermost part of ‘dis place where the air is thin and unbreathable and I will be just like em!” The Warden laughs with a strong chuckle. A small black moustache lining the underside of his nose stretched long with his smile as he gives the Commodore a hug. Then claps his shoulders. “I know what you are here for, We got em’ in dis morning. You know? He was all struggling like ‘dis you know.” Inigoi mimes a struggle with his body. “Tryin’ to fight us off ya know. So we had to get rough on him, like ‘dis you know?” The robust man rears his hand back and smacks it against his other hand like a hammer as the hard thunder echoes through the room. The Commodore rolls his eyes and chuckles to himself shaking his head.

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