Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Deadlands - Action Hero

It's Been a while! Let's get a little blog reboot with some Roleplaying stuff. I love a game called Deadlands. The classic version, where you use a box full of poker chips, dice o’ plenty, and a few decks of cards. I love the fact that the game can be set in the old west that can be played just as the “old west” or the game is set up to be a place for monsters and creatures and the still ongoing civil war.  Or the one we play most is the post apocalyptic world, same creatures and monsters and zombies and all of that fun stuff. But way more cool things the characters can do as well as much more in touch with pop culture.
Many of the players have “powers” whether it be psychic abilities, the powers of god, or the power of books, maybe a Native American with shaman powers even.  Me? I play an Action hero. Pop culture powers many magical items such as Indiana Jones’ whip, or Darth Vader’s Lightsaber, or even the Fabled Elwood Blues Ray Ban Sunglasses.
In a world where the only thing that keeps hope alive is a few movies here and there still put out by “movie town.” Those few rare people that make a decent enough impact might be blessed to learn how to harness “movie magic” this gives the Action Hero the ability to do things in the game that can only be done in the movies. So if you are a fan of the old school Deadlands, here is the rules for playing an “Action Hero”

What’s in a Technique?
Techniques are special abilities that your hero uses to gain Action Points, he then can spend these Action Points to perform special powers called stunts. In order to use these techniques he must use a new aptitude called Movie Magic. Movie Magic is a floating aptitude in that it’s not based on any one Trait, the Trait used is based upon whatever technique the hero is using at the time.
Your hero starts out knowing one technique for every level of Movie Magic he has and can gain more techniques later by spending 3 Bounty Points.
Technique StatsSpeed: This is how long the technique takes to do.
TN: This is the roll that must be made by using Movie Magic to get the Action Points generated.
Action Points: This is the number of Action Points that are generated for every success and raise rolled using Movie Magic. Unless the technique says otherwise these must be used in the next action or they will disappear.
Trait: This is the Trait under which the hero rolls his Movie Magic aptitude for that particular technique.
A BombIf the hero goes bust on a Movie Magic roll then he has not only failed miserably, but the energy is channeled badly causing 3d6 damage to our hero’s guts.
Got Stunts?Stunts are the bread and butter of the action hero letting him do things that he shouldn’t be able to do otherwise, just like in the movies. Our hero starts out with a number of stunts equal to his Movie Magic aptitude, later he can gain more by spending 5 Bounty Points per stunt learned.
Stunt StatsAction Points: This is the number of Action Points it takes to power a stunt, if the hero doesn’t have these then the stunt can’t be done.
Duration: This is how long a stunt lasts once it’s been activated.
Range: This is who or what the stunt directly affects.
Speed: 1
TN: 5
Action Points: 2
Trait: Mien
Our hero signs his name on an item for someone and then gives it back to them for free. This can be any item, but the hero only gets to use this technique once per person for Action points. Once the AP for a stunt has been used, the magic of the autograph fades; however, if signed during combat, the signee is treated as an adoring fan (for purposes of dazzling smile).
Catch Phrase
Speed: 1
TN: 5
Action Points: 1
Trait: Mien
The hero has an expression that he often uses, when said at an appropriate moment he will gain Action points. The player must actually come up with this catch phrase and the target number for this technique increase by +2 for every time after the first that it’s used within one game session.
Cinematic Entrance
Speed: 2
TN: Varies
AP: Varies
Trait: Mien
Prerequisite: Theme Song Stunt
The hero and Posse round the corner in slow motion hair blowing in the wind, the hero and a friend walk silently into the bar as the whole bar stops to see them.. These are just two of the many Cinematic Entrances the hero uses. The heros Theme Song must be playing either from the power or some other source. The target Number by himself is a 3. Each Additional posse member entering with the Hero adds a cumulative +2 to the difficulty. The Hero Gains 2 action Points if by himself plus one per posse member.

Comic Relief
Speed: 1
TN: 5
Trait: Mein
Then fear hits an all time high, or when the stress level of the group gets to intense, or the group is about to have at it with each other. You can always rely on the hero to break the tension with a bit of comic relief.

Facing Your Fears
Speed: 1
TN: Varies
AP: Varies
Trait: Spirit
Every Hero has an obstacle they must face, and often its their very own fears. The DC is the rank of their Phobia +2. They get 1 AP for each Rank of Phobia they have. A Rank 1 is 1 AP, a Rank 3 Phobia is 2 AP, and a rank 5 phobia is 3 AP

Getting’ Jiggy Wit’ It
Speed: 3
TN: 3
AP: 2
Trait: Spirit
Every hero gets himself a little. Be it if he pays or the subject is willing for free. Either way this scene helps bolster the Hero in more ways than one. And there is always a little magic involved.

Inner Monologue
Speed: 1
TN: 5
AP: 1
Trait: Smarts
Sometimes the Hero pauses to address his thoughts to the audience. The others nearby cannot hear or see the Hero talking, but somehow he is able to do it out loud and while moving. The reason, its an inner Monologue and only we know what he is truly thinking.

Speed: 1
TN: 5
AP: 1
Trait: Smarts
This technique can be as simple as telling the bad guy to piss off, or as creative of an insult as the hero would like.

It’s a Good Day to Die!
Speed: 1
TN: 9
Action Points: 1
Trait: Spirit
Our hero steadies his nerves and wills himself into action.
Last Ditch Effort.
Speed: 1
TN: 3
AP: 10
Trait: Spirit
Prerequisite: It’s a Good Day To Die Technique - What are the Odds Technique
To use this technique the Hero must know he is going to go down in a blaze of glory. Our Hero has little to no hope left and knows he is going to go down. But he is going to go down with a fight. In other words, there is no chance of survival. The character must actually believe he is going to die in this fight in order to use this ability. (Marshal Makes the call on whether the hero knows he is going to die) However to die. Many a times the hero has to hold off the two hundred gangers from breaching the wall. And he is going to do it for the sake for the group to get away. That doesn’t mean the hero wont luck out and survive. It also doesn’t mean that he cannot raise as a harrowed or be brought back from the dead some other means. As long as the Hero thinks he is going to die.
Movie Lore
Speed: 1
TN: 9
Action Points: 2
Trait: Knowledge
By reflecting on what he’s seen in the movies our hero can try to draw upon those perceived experiences, granting him Action Points.
Panoramic View
Speed: 2
TN: 7
Action Points: 1
Trait: Cognition
With the hero stopping for a moment and taking a good view of the area he is filled with a sense of action. The hero can only try this once per area per session.
Personal Appearance
Speed: 10 Minutes
TN: 5
AP: 3
Trait: Mein
Our Hero has been asked to specifically visit someone of importance. Or Appear at a specific place or venue based on who he is. After ten minutes have passed the magical awe of the Hero Fades and he can no longer gain actions points off of his personal appearance, Of course, unless he has another one right after.
Product Endorsement
Speed: 2
TN: 5
Action Points: 2
Trait: Knowledge
Our hero must elaborate on the virtues of a particular item that they are currently using, the Marshal should encourage the player to do this to get the Action Points, but that isn’t required. Note if the product is expended in the use of this technique (such as fire off a burst of ammo or slamming a beer) then add +1 to the Action Points.
The Action Points generated from this technique will for last 10 minutes per level of the Action Hero’s Movie Magic Aptitude.
Sarcastic Remark
Speed: 1
TN: 5
Action Points: 1
Trait: Smarts
This is our hero’s chance to show his masterful wit by making a quick comment on some person or event. Once again the player should be encouraged to role play this out.
Scoundrel’s Last Resort
Speed: 3
TN: 11
Action Points: 3
Trait: Spirit
The hero utters a prayer to the powers that be (being specific often helps) and if successful it kicks him into action.
Speed: 1
TN: 5
AP: 1
Trait: Nimbleness
Through sheer skill and dexterity. Our hero is able to spin his weapon, twirl and toss his gun around, pose heroically, or otherwise do something to prove how awesome he is.
Strip Club
Speed: 1 hour
TN: 3
Action Points: 2
Trait: Spirit
Our hero must go to the sleaziest bar, club, tavern, etc. and force himself to watch woman dance, strip, hit on them etc. for 1 hour. If our hero is a woman she can use this technique to go there and just hang out, still getting the same benefit, who knows it might even be ladies night with drinks half off. The Action Points generated from this technique last for up to an hour after the hero leaves the establishment.
What are the Odds?
Speed: 2
TN: 9
Action Points: 1
Trait: Smarts
By trying to quickly assess a situation, he can formulate what his chances of success, failure and how the audience might perceive his actions.
Winning Smile
Speed: 1
TN: Varies
Action Points: 2
Trait: Mien
By flashing his pearly whites the hero wins the hearts of the public bolstering his own ego thus granting him Action Points for his stunts. The target number for this is 11 with the TN dropping by -2 for each adoring fan currently watching our action hero (minimum TN 3). If there are no fans watching then the technique automatically fails.
A fan is anybody who recognized the hero and is not hostile to him; also posse members don’t count as he’s just one of the guys to them, although a sidekick would be acceptable.
Wrath of the Hero
Speed: 1
TN: 5
AP: 5*
Trait: Spirit
Upon buying this technique the Action Hero has to choose one thing or person that the Hero cherishes beyond all else.(must be Okayed by the Marshal) When that item or person has been taken away. If the hero is close to helping gain it back he can call upon this technique. He must spend all the action points immediately and they cannot be stored. They must also be spent only on one stunt. (this stunt can be taken multiple times) If that item is destroyed or Killed this technique can also be used in the same way to gain vengeance on those who were involved in the event.

Action Jackson
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Self
Like the noted action hero our survivor is super agile when this stunt is used. For every 2 Action Points spent his Nimbleness is increased by +1 die type for the stunts duration.
Bad Voice Over
AP: 2
Duration: 1 hour per 2AP Spent
Range: Self
Prerequisite: Subtitles
The hero Utilizes Movie Magic to create a voice over of 1 language known to them. though Lip Reading is impossible and the voice is horrid the hero has the words translated out loud for him in words he can understand. Likewise those of the opposite can understand what he says in the same matter. However awkward.
Born to Ride
Action Points: Varies
Duration: Until leaving the vehicle or mount
Range: Self
The hero gains a +2 bonus to all driving and riding rolls for every Action Point spent on this stunt.
Bullet Time
Action Points: 3
Duration: Vamoose
Range: Self
When our hero uses this stunt the world slows down around him allowing him to make a vamoose roll and take a normal action.
Clean Get Away
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1d6 rounds
Range: Varies
When our hero uses this stunt he must be in the process of getting away to use it, for every Action Point spent an opponent is stopped or blocked from pursuing the hero, although they might still be able to pursue other posse members. The pursuers are blocked by trash cans, dumpster, flat tires, debris. This doesn’t hurt the pursuers just prevents them from following the hero for 6 rounds. Once the hero stops running from the pursuers then the stunt ends.
Danger Sense
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Hour
Range: Self
When our hero uses this stunt he gains a +2 to his Cognition rolls for every Action Point spent to resist being surprised.
Dead Aim
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Self
When our hero uses this stunt it enhances our hero’s accuracy, granting him a bonus of +1 die type to his Deftness for every 2 Action points spent.
Deus Ex Machina
AP: 1/3/5
Duration: N/A
Range: N/A
No the Villain didn’t see that Chandelier hanging above him.(for the hero to shoot out and crash on him) Or didn’t realize that the book shelves behind the hero were all lined up through the library right behind him (for the hero to do the domino effect)…. These situations happen often. And there is a reason the Villain didn’t know about them. Because they really weren’t set up that way to begin with. The Hero can use his Movie Magic to help him get out of a bad situation fast. For 1 Action Point this power gives the Hero some time, it distracts the opponent enough to take 1 Action away. For 3 Action Points the Hero can distract the Villain long enough to get out of direct harms way (for the time being) For 5 Action Points this stunt could actually hurt or Kill the opponent depending on the situation.

Action Points: 2
Duration: Instant
Range: Self
When you buy this power, choose a melee weapon aptitude. When you spend an action point you may make a vamoose roll using your fighting aptitude for the chosen melee weapon instead of dodge. If successful you deflect the incoming projectiles. You can deflect a number of items equal to your movie magic level. (Note: explosives, missiles, etc. or items larger than what you are deflecting with cannot be deflected.)
Action Points: Varies
Duration: Instant
Range: 10 yards/Action Point Spent
The action must do something to kick this stunt off (which is a free action) such as a karate chop or shooting an opponent’s weapon, they then must make a Strength check with a TN equal to 5 plus the number of Action Points spent.
Don’t Count Him Out
Action Points: Varies
Duration: Vamoose
Range: Self
By discarding his highest cards and spending Action Points our hero can help to place himself out of harms way. This allows him to enhance his Dodge or Fightin’ rolls for the purpose of dodging by +2 for every 2 Action Points spent.
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Self
By drawing upon power from the Hunting Ground the hero increases his overall health for a short duration. His Vigor improves by +1 die type for every 2 Action Points spent on this stunt.
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Self
Energy fills the hero granting him a boost to speed, this increases his Quickness die type by +1 for every 2 Action Points spent.
Duration: instant
Range: Self
Our hero recalls things from his past as if he were reliving them. It may all be in his head. But its just as it was. For 1 point the Hero recalls little things. Locations, conversation topics people who he interacted with and the like. For 2 Points he can recall names, certain conversations, Things he saw or did. for 3 points the Hero recalls everything. Even things he didn't realize originally unless he was looking for it. If these situations and places were not roleplayed through.. feel free to roleplay through the flashback
Gun Fu
Action Points: 1/3/5
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Self
This is one of the true marks of an action hero, the ability to play with firearms. The effects of this stunt vary on how many points are spent, but the effects are cumulative, so spending 3 points will get you the benefits of spending 3 points plus the benefits of just spending 1. The benefits are listed below.
1 Point:
• Can use Shootin’ with the firearm in hand in place of Figthin’ for defense and attack (weapon counts as small or large club, depending on size).
• Gain a +2 bonus to all Shootin’ rolls.
3 Points:
• Gain an additional +2 to all Shootin rolls.
• Shots fired penetrate armor bypassing 1 level of the opponents AV.
• Bullets do an additional die of damage.
5 Points:
• Gain an additional +2 to all Shootin rolls.
• Rounds fired by the hero are to expended, that is unlimited ammo while this stunt is in effect.
• An additional -1 to opponents AV.
• Bullet die type is increased to the next die type, so a gun that does 3d6 would do 4d8 (+1 dice from the effect above and a +1 die type from spending 5 points).
Hold on for Dear Life
AP: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic Level
Range: Self
Depending on the situation the hero needs to hold on to something Another person from falling, a moving car, The bottom of a helicopter, The Hero gets +2 to his climbin’ or strength roll per action point to “hold on”
I Know a Guy that Knows a Guy
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Hour
Range: Self
Our hero knows how and who to ask the right questions from, with this stunt our hero gets a +2 bonus to Streetwise rolls for every Action Point spent.
I Think We Lost Him
Action Points: 2
Duration: Special
Range: Special
By spending an action point, a hero being pursued (and any friends with him) may take a moment to get a breather as they hide around a corner, in a dumpster, or some such. They get one full combat action to recover, then the Marshal rolls a 1d6:
1: He's right behind you! The bad guys find them almost immediately, and they start with a card up the sleeve.
2: Still on the trail-the bad guys blunder into the heroes. Combat or chase starts up again, but cards are drawn normally.
3: They're out there somewhere: As 2, but this time with successful sneakin' rolls the posse can evade the combat for another d4 rounds
4: I can hear them coming: The posse evades pursuit for d6 rounds, or successful sneakin' rolls allow them to evade pursuit entirely.
5: The heroes have the option of evading the baddies for d6 rounds, ending it with a sneakin' roll, or starting it back up, this time with cards up the posse members' sleeves.
6: The Hero genuinely lost their pursuers. Chase ends.
Mad Man Leap
Action Points: Varies
Duration: Instant
Range: Self
The action hero can jump an additional 3 yards for every Action Point spent, or he can negate falling damage equal to 5 yards plus 4 for every Action Point spent, when he does so fate usually intervenes with something miraculously breaking his fall (a pick up full of hay, a building cloth overhang, etc).
AP: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic Level
Range: Self
WE NEED A MONTOGE! Each Action Point Spent the Hero can use a skill concentration per Movie Magic Level as if He had that concentration.(a hero with three ranks in Movie Magic could spend 2 action Points to know 6 Concentrations of his choice) You can choose the same skill multiple times each time gaining a +2.
Movie Gun
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: One Firearm.
This stunt allows the hero to imbue his gun with special powers for a limited time; each Action Point spent gives the gun an additional power. These powers can stack with each other, so you could spend 2 Action Points to make gun fire bullets that are armor piercing +2. Below are listed the powers with each costing one Action Point.
• +1 armor piercing bullets.
• +1 die of damage.
• +1 hit location modifier.
• +1 Rate of Fire or +1 burst.
• +1 to die type.
• +2 to Shootin’ rolls.
• +5 to range.
• 1 yard burst damage from each bullet.
• Cause magical damage to target.
• Negates darkness penalties.
• Unlimited Ammo.
Note the firearm can be used by another as the gun itself is temporarily imbued.
Movie Sword
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: One Bladed Weapon.
This stunt allows the hero to imbue his weapon with special powers for a limited time; each Action Point spent gives the gun an additional power. These powers can stack with each other, so you could spend 2 Action Points to make the weapon have armor piercing +2. Below are listed the powers with each costing one Action Point.
• +1 armor piercing Weapon
• +1 die of damage.
• +1 hit location modifier.
• +1 to die type.
• +2 to Fightin’ rolls.
• +1 to defense.
• Cause magical damage to target.
• Negates darkness penalties.
• Change Weapon Material
Note the Weapon can be used by another as the weapon itself is temporarily imbued.
Movie Fighter
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Personal.
This stunt allows the hero to imbue himself with special powers for a limited time; each Action Point spent gives the gun an additional power. These powers can stack with each other, so you could spend 2 Action Points to make your fists armor piercing +2. Below are listed the powers with each costing one Action Point.
• +1 armor piercing.
• +1 die of damage.
• +1 hit location modifier.
• +1 to die type.
• +2 to Fightin’ rolls.
• +2 to defense.
• An additional known maneuver
• Cause magical damage to target.
• Negates darkness penalties.
• Considered A Different Material

Mr. Fix It
Action Points: 3
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Touch
Our hero has the ability to temporarily get things fixed, by spending the Action Points and the time he can get an item up and working again. This represent him doing things like slapping some bubble gum (chewed of course) on to a flat tire, while filling it with a make shift pump to get it going again or jump staring a vehicle. These items just appear next to the hero and are gone when the stunt ends.
Not Get Scratched
Action Points: 1
Duration: 1 Hour
Range: Self
We’ve all seen the action hero who can run through a hail of bullets and only come out with a torn shirt. This stunt goes toward duplicating that for every Action Point spent on Not Get Scratched our hero can negate 1 level of wounds for the next hour after this stunt is used, thus 3 Action Points will negate up to 3 wounds in the next hour before it’s used up. Multiple uses of this stunt do not stack, taking the latest used.
Only a Flesh Wound
Action Points: 2 plus highest wound level
Duration: Permanent
Range: Self Only
Our hero is able to do some serious self healing with this stunt, the cost is based upon the highest level wound the hero has and if the Action Points are spent then the hero is fully healed. Obviously maimed wounds to the guts or noggin cannot be healed by the hero.
Protect the Girl
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Hour
Range: Another person
An action hero’s job is to help and save people, this let’s them give a person a number of wounds that can be negated within the next hour equal to 1 wound for every 2 Action Points spent. The action hero can only use this on one other person at a time and it switches to the last person the stunt is used on
Pumped Up
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Self
When this stunt is performed the hero’s muscle start to grow and expand giving him greater strength, for every 2 Action Points spent his Strength by +1 die type.
Action Points: 2
Duration: Instant
Range: Self
This allows our hero to complete redo his last action as if it never happened, but he must stick with the new results, unless of course he uses retake again.
Action Points: Varies
Duration: Permanent
Range: Self
Our hero gains 1d10 dollars worth of goods for every Action Point spent. This stunt can only be used once per day.
Second Wind
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Self
While this stunt is in effect our hero gains an additional +2 Wind for every Action Point spent on this stunt.
Son of a Bitch, Cocky
AP: varies
Duration 1 round / Movie Magic Level
Range: Self
This stunt proves why a Action hero is just that. He can Ridicule an entire group of people. It works for a number of people equal to his Movie Magic Level for each action point spent. (the hero still only gets 1 chip draw however)

Son of a Bitch, Lying
AP: varies
Duration 1 round / Movie Magic Level
Range: Self
This stunt proves why a Action hero is just that. He can Bluff an entire group of people. It works for a number of people equal to his Movie Magic Level for each action point spent.(the hero still only gets 1 chip draw however)

Son of a Bitch, Mean
AP: varies
Duration 1 round / Movie Magic Level
Range: Self
This stunt proves why a Action hero is just that. He can Overawe an entire group of people. It works for a number of people equal to his Movie Magic Level for each action point spent.(the hero still only gets 1 chip draw however)

Special Effects
AP: Varies
Duration: 1 Roll
Range: N/A
By using special effects the hero is able to increase his abilities to manipulate situations around him. Such as lighting crackles just as he overawes a group. Fireworks may help to make his demolitions roll do that much more damage. The Marshal should have the final say on what will and will not work. The hero gets a +2 to his roll per action Point Spent.

AP: 1
Duration: 1 hour per AP Spent
Range: Self
The hero can see subtitles for any language he doesn’t understand. With this he knows what they are saying. However cannot speak back.
Theme Song
Action Points: 1
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Self
The hero has a particular song that starts to play from some unknown source when this stunt is used. While this song is playing all the hero’s other stunts cost one point less (minimum of 1 point).
Through The Inferno
AP: 1/2/3
Duration: 1 round/Movie Magic Level
Range: Self
Our Hero can run throught the blaxing inferno without dealing with its effects. For 1 AP the hero is immune to the smoke and suffocation effects of a fire. For 2 AP the hero himself cannot be hurt or burned by the fire itself(however his clothing and items still can) and for 3AP the hero and anything he carries (including people) are immune to the fire and smoke
Tough It Out
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 1 Round/Movie Magic level
Range: Self
While this stunt is in effect our hero gains an additional +2 Vigor rolls for every Action Point spent on this stunt.
Vehicle Power Up
Action Points: Varies
Duration: 10 Minutes/Movie Magic level
Range: One Vehicle
Our hero has the ability to imbue a vehicle with special powers for the duration of this stunt, the powers a cumulative and disappear once the stunt is over. Listed below are the various powers with each costing one Action Point.
• +1 to drivers Drivin’ rolls.
• +10 to top speed.
• +5 mph to vehicles acceleration.
• Doesn’t use up any fuel.
• Durability +10.
• Improve vehicles AV by +1.

Action Icons 1-5
An action hero may take an action icon, this is an action hero of the past whom the hero draws inspiration from allowing him to have special powers and reserve Action Points.
The hero can use a Technique to refill his action icon’s reserve (which is equal to the level of this Edge), with a TN of +2 to the Techniques base TN.
Chip powers may be used based on this Edges level of 1-5 with level 1 allowing White chip power, level 3 allows Red chip power and level 5 allows Blue chip power. Any level will allow Legend chip power.
An action hero may only have one action icon.
Noted Action Icons-
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Lee
Jackie Chan
John Wayne
Starsky & Hutch
Sylvester Stallone
Bruce Willis
Chuck Norris
Mel Gibson
Jason Statham

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