This year, there is almost none of that. The only thing that even remotely resembles a Wrestlemania moment is the chance for one Underdog Named Daniel Bryan to finally overcome all the odds and shut up the “Authority and win the most prestigious title in wrestling, The WWE World Heavyweight Championship. That encompasses two matches. Him vs. the one who has been holding him down HHH, then if he wins he gets to be put in a Triple Threat match against the Champion who he has been feuding with all year Randy Orton, and the returning out of breath and out of fans Batista. Batista was hyped to bring back and when he did he was boo’d out of the arena because of the fans love for Daniel Bryan.
That’s it folks. Even the Undertaker Streak vs. Brock Lesnar makes me skeptical. Don’t get me wrong, the Undertaker looks great, but the buildup is less than great, and knowing Brock Lesnar, that match likely won’t be that great either. I hope I am wrong, I hope it is everything I want it to be.
The Shield, I loved these guys from day one.. all three of them. Bad guys or good guys, and when they faced the Wyatt’s, it was nothing short of epic. That match alone could have made Wrestlemania History. Then when the shield is finally on the same page… they don’t utilize the feud. It dies. To me a TLC or some sort of Gimmick match with the Wyatt’s vs. The Shield would have been a huge Wrestlemania draw. Instead, they decided that they would make a lame team of Kane and the New age Outlaws. Then have them face the Shield. Why? I have no idea. If they wanted to do something with the Outlaws, it would have been keep the belts on them and have them have dropped the Tag Team Belts to the Uso’s at Wrestlemania. That would have been something for the fans to enjoy. Why they chose to do it on a regular show is beyond me. Have the Outlaws cheat and do every dirty trick against the Uso’s possible then have the Uso’s finally win at Wrestlemania. That would have been a great story.
When it comes to the Divas, a match that is ALL of the Divas in one match for the belt is really stupid to me. What is the point. While it’s cool to have all the Divas out showing their stuff, it them becomes less about the Divas as “sports entertainers” and more about them as “flesh and eye candy.” Which is fine to an extent. If they are going to have the show total Divas and want to showcase the Diva’s have a battle royal and then separate a Divas Championship match. I would vote Tamina Snuka vs. Aj Lee for the belt at Wrestlemania. But that is just me and how I would have built it up.
What to do with John Cena. At the beginning of Daniel Bryan and the Yes Movement halfway through the year, I would have had John Cena turn Heel on Daniel Bryan. John Cena is in need of an update, and turning heel is what is needed for that. Then he can help build up some of the great babyfaces in the company such as Dolph Ziggler. In fact having that be the build up would be great. Heel John Cena who keeps hosing over the new up comer Dolph Ziggler to a final match at Wrestlemania would be very entertaining.
What does that give us,
Tag Titles Match Uso’s Vs. new Age Outlaws
Divas Battle Royal
John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler
Andre the Giant Inaugural Battle Royal
The Shield vs. The Wyatts TLC Match
Divas Title AJ Lee vs. Tamina Snuka
HHH vs Daniel Bryan
Brock vs. Undertaker
Triple Threat Orton vs. Bryan. Vs. Batista
Then add in the glitz and Glamor of live bands, Hall of Fame stuff and maybe Hulk Hogan smacking someone around who gets in his way, would make for a pretty Wrestlemania like Night. Perhaps Stephanie McMahon should hire me to do the booking.
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