Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Story Background

(Some of you may have read this before, but I doubt it, I wrote it up last year - Trust me when I say there is more behind me posting this than just filling my blog. ;-) )


14 years ago Captain Ash Stratholm was a well renown Merchant trader.The islands he worked from did their dealings without the Provincial Island Guild. His renown had become well known among Pirates due to his lack of protection from the Guild and the high merchandise he always carried. However his tactical genius and enginuity Also made him the most difficult to catch. Even those under the protection of the guild became noted as an easier target.

New of this spread to the Guild and they in turn decided to spread their power to the islands for which he worked. Though the islands he worked out of easily accepted the offer. He was upset that now he would have to bow under their fees and payments. A good option for the merchants they had more shipments to worry about than just what he carried. SO he left them in search of other merchants. And the Guild followed. Eventually the Guild branded him a pirate for refusing them and utilized their power to hunt him down. Still it took two years before they caught him. They found him still making merchant deals on smaller provincial islands. Had they found him at sea he would have once again escaped them.

They offered him a deal either he works for them, or they hang him. He chose the later Knowing that his direct defiance would rally others. He chose to make himself a martyr against them.

Just 12 years ago however when the day came they placed him on a noose and the crowds gathered. His entire crew rallied to free him. During their fight to the platform the barrel had been kicked from under him and he hung there for nearly three minutes twisting and turning in the harsh hemp rope. However his neck didn’t break and he did not strangle before a stray bullet frayed and snapped the rope.

Bleeding from the neck because of the rope burn his men were able to get him aboard a ship where they were able to escape 4 Guild ships. They sailed out for the port they have heard rumors of. Skull Port.

Once news spread of what had happened, the pirate community welcomed him with open arms. That is one less ship for them to be bothered with. Soon he made plans to make his place in this world as a pirate. It wasn’t long before he had three ships under his control and won the yearly Skull Cove competition the Become Pirate of the Year. The Lord of Pirate Cove tallies numbers based on your fleet, your crew, how many ships you take and of what kind.

Captain Stratholm, also known as "The Hangman" whenever he is not around, captured 7 ships in a month’s time and four of them without any fighting at all. The rest had little combat save for a few would be heroes. It didn’t take long before other ships and crew members were asking for advice. Eventually even the current Lord had taken him in as an advisor. When Pirate Lord Raven died of an infection tht doctors couldn’t heal the island for the first time since Malochai did not fight over who would take his place. It was very simple the man to bring them to a higher place was obvious. Captain Ash Stratholm would become the new Pirate Lord.

Standing at 5’10" his good looks and well kept manner doesn’t take away from the ruthless side he can sometimes possess. His tied back thick blonde hair and well shaven face is only offset by the crimson red scarf he uses to cover the hideous scar upon his neck. He is cordial to the last moment.

However any captain of a Guild ship is given a Hangmans Trial and accused of the same crimes that the Guild Accused of Ash when they attempted to hang him. It is not hard to see outside Skull Cover the line of hanged bodies that wear the "PIG" colors.

Since his advance to Lord 11 Years ago, The pirates that run out of Skull Cove have endeared themselves to him. Very few oppose him, due to the fact that he has helped bring everyone good fortune. Is it no wonder he doesn’t call himself pirate directly and chooses to use the term Gentleman of Good Fortune instead.

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