Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sherlock Holmes 2

Sherlock Holmes 2

Before we get started, Let me tell you that this is not an objective view to help others decide if they would like the movie or not. This time, it’s kind of a rant. Why am I ranting? Because I loved the first movie and I really enjoy Sherlock Holmes. (there will be spoilers)

SO to start, I really enjoyed the first film. There isn’t much I can say negative about the first film from a fans perspective. It was entertaining, we got to see all the clues he saw, we got a good account of how the characters are. We understand Watson and Holmes and how they are similar different and how their friendship truly is a friendship. Clues, research deduction combat skills etc. The first movie was very fun.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed the second film. The characters were just as good, the story very fun. However, there are a few things that completely made it not what the first film was.

First and foremost, we as an audience need to see the Same clues that Holmes sees. We need to experience them. For instance, in the revealing of Holmes final deduction and how he came to understand things, we find out he spied on Moriarty when he was feeding pigeons. . . we as an audience never saw that nor anything that transpired during that situation. It being a pivital point of Sherlocks case and we the audience didn’t see it until the very end when he revealed it. It is like watching a murder mystery and watching the detective chase clues for an hour and 45 minutes only in the end to say, I know it was the bad guy cause I was there when it happened. Why the heck did you waste my time? This was just one of the instances where information is “Seen” by Holmes, but not by us the watcher. We do not need to understand the clues, but at least see that he sees them. Such as in the first movie he sees the copper kettle with the dead frogs, we have no idea what it is or why, but later when it is relevant and he shows us why, we wee there when he saw it and we go “oh yeah cool”

Ok that rant is done, next is the multitude of super slow motion action sequences… especially when they are being shat at while running through the woods. The “Holmes View” that we saw in the first flick was cool, because it was unique to Holmes and was not over done. That’s why it was neat, it was still neat in the second one, but when I left the film I wondered if there were any scenes that were not like that.. it make the movie less than what it could have been, maybe make that scene normal paced and add in a scene where we see him watching the guy feed the pigeons with his stupid little red book. Which by the way makes a whole lot more sense as to his pick pocketing the little red book when we know what the heck it is and that he has it and why he has it.

Far Fetched. . . the odds that everything would be so perfect timed that he could toss the wife off the train into the river. Yeah ever been on a train? Do that math with the speed it was going and the height that it was. Ok we will let it slide. Along with the everything else that was crazy far fetched.

There is a willing suspension of disbelief that is needed for all movies. Even the first one had stuff that was far fetched, but it seems they were so wrapped up in doing “cool stuff” that they forgot what made the first one so great. It is The relationship between Holmes and Watson (which we had) the following and detection of clues (which we kind of had save for a few) And the solving of the crime via these clues. (meh – not so much) and who and why did the gypsy lady need to follow them around? Just because the killed off the lady of the first film they felt they needed to introduce someone else? Don’t get me wrong she was a great actor, but it was unnecessary to have her as much in the film as we did. She was not needed that much.

Again, this is not how any future movie reviews will go, because I am much more both sided. And perhaps after seeing it a few times and watching special features where the people explain things a bit more then mayhaps I will feel a bit differently. It is also quite possible that certain scenes got cut for time purposes and will be in an extended version of the film. Or a bit of dialogue to help out with the problems I mentioned.
Will I be buying the second movie. Yes, because as I said this is a rant of the things I didn’t like. Not the things I did like. I still enjoyed the movie, I again just upset that they made a few choices that could have made the movie so much better than the first. All of you “I need lots of crazy crazy action to make a movie good!” people, I am willing to bet you liked the second movie more than the first. Anyhow, that is my rant. Perhaps I will do a regular movie review for my next blog post.

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